Wednesday, September 26, 2012

well aloooooha!

Well here I am in the blogging universe. It's about time, huh? I think my 100 year old grandma might actually have a blog. When I say she is 100 I don't mean, like a hundred. I'm not using hyperbole here. She is, in fact, 100. And might secretly have a blog about being immortal. Who really knows. Let's put it this way, I wouldn't be shocked if she did. 

Which is a good segue into my thoughts on this blog. Recently I've been thinking about what I want in life and who I want to be. We're allowed to think these thoughts at 33. They are just reserved for the young(er).

If this rodeo is going to last into my 100's, I want to be surfing into the next century of Cate...not walker-ing. 

I'm going to be taking lots of photos. For fun. 

I'm going to be experimenting with new outfits and clothes. 

I'm going to be surfing.

I'm going to be snowboarding. 

I'm going to be cooking...let's hope...

I'm going to be seeing more live music.

I'm going to be getting into a lot of general mischief. 

And I'm going to be back in action Cate style. 

Bandit style.

Sunset bandit style.

Hello alter-ego. It's a pleasure to meet you.